Monday, May 31, 2010


Date: Sunday May 27
Day: 16
RV Miles: 1,585
Location: Huachuca City, AZ
Elevation: 4,412

Well not much happened Saturday. I think the humans decided to take a day off and take a vacation from the vacation. The standoff between Larry and Sasha is over – Sasha won. Saturday, Sasha went off at 5AM on schedule, Larry let her out of her cage and went back to bed. Sounds OK right? Wrong. When Larry slept in it crimped our morning patrol time. When that happened Sasha got wild and went pretty much out of control. Today Larry bounced out of bed at 5AM WITH Sasha and he then told me that we were going on patrol and that we wouldn’t come back until Sasha dropped from exhaustion. She pulled at her leash for two full miles before she settled down. We covered somewhere between 2.5 to 3 miles before she really got tired.

I told you that the humans might go back to Tombstone and they did. As it turns out every year over Memorial Day they have Wyatt Earp Days where the whole town turns out in period costumes and they have gunfights in the street and everything.

According to Larry, the highlight was Boot Hill, a cemetery with probably 200 to 300 graves. In the 1880 to 1882 period, (the peak of the Tombstone silver rush boom time) there was a noticeable spike in the number of violent deaths.

Don’t know what is on for tomorrow, but they are talking about taking Sasha and I to a national park up by Tucson. We’ll see.

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