Friday, May 14, 2010

D-Day Minus 3

It’s Friday May 14th and it looks like this thing is going to happen. Larry pulled the RV out front for the final load-out. They have been using the dining room table as a staging area for stuff to go in the RV and it looks like it is about ready to collapse under the weight. Last weekend Larry finished packing the storage compartments underneath the RV and he said several things were going to have to stay home because the storage areas are full. The stuff on the table is going inside the RV and my bet is that some of it will also have the opportunity to “stay home” as well. Mind you none of this makes any difference to me as long as my food bowl, my lead and my bed get to go.

Sasha, on the other hand is in therapy. She sees the RV out front and she is doing her imitation of a pin-ball off the walls and furniture. I told her not to sweat it: As long as the coffee pot is on the counter Larry and Marsha aren’t leaving. Then, watch for the food bowls, beds and leads. When they go out, then it is time to panic - you never know when they might just forget to let you out so you can get in the RV.

Departure is set for 8AM Monday and by that time, between supervising the load-out and having to put up with Sasha, I will be exhausted. Sasha wants to write some blog stuff so I told her she could make the blog entry Monday while I catch up on my sleep. This is your forewarning: Sasha could keep a whole office of physiatrists employed for years. First, she’s at that age where she fashions herself as a valley-girl. Second, she has this princess complex thing going. Third, from her viewpoint the world is all about her, and finally she comes down somewhere between, spoiled brat and diva -- both suffering from hyperactive attention deficient disorder.

More Monday.

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