Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Saguaro Natioinal Park

Date: Monday May 31
Day: 17
RV Miles: 1,585
Location: Huachuca City, AZ
Elevation: 4,412

Sasha definitely has Larry beat on it comes to get-up time in the morning. She went off at 5AM just like clockwork and Larry rolled right out of bed cussing about something to do with “Sasha Standard Time.” I don’t mean to toot my own horn but if you have been following this blog from the beginning you will remember that I introduced Sasha as “The Boss.” I think I need to give those blog entries to Larry to re-read. It may make the transition to “Sasha Standard Time” a little easier on him.

Well we have been on the road a little over two weeks now and I think we have finally settled into the space and the routine. The first week to ten days was a bit rough on Larry and Marsha. They were always looking for something ‘cause they couldn’t remember where they put it. Part of the problem was what they were looking for was hidden behind something they brought along that they don’t need. Well it looks like most of that is sorted out now and importan stuff is handy and in a known location and the other stuff is out of the way.

The other adjustment they had to make was how to set the agenda or routine for the day and who would do what chores when and so forth. This seems to have stressed them out the first week because neither one wanted usurp the other’s prerogative. Turns out they seem to have that settled and they settled it by not worrying about it and just going with the flow. Dumb humans. That was the whole point of the vacation and it took them a week to figure it out.

Anyway, Sasha and I piled in the back seat of the car and we went to Saguaro National Park just East of Tucson today. This park is very different from other National Parks because it is almost an urban park with housing coming right up to the boundaries of the park. The desert in the park looked very harsh and it is amazing that anything can live in such conditions – and the heat. The pictures they took look almost washed out, but they are not. The sun is so bright and the land and everything else seems to have a pale sun-bleached color to it.

Tomorrow we are headed farther West. Next on the “schedule “ is Organ Pipes National Park on the Mexican border. Larry found an article about the park on the internet. Seems the park rangers wear camouflage and carry assault rifles so they can deal with the drug smugglers that transit the park every day. The US park service estimates that at any one time there are about 1,000 people in the park and about 800 are involved in some type of illegal activity.

I think the humans have enough smarts to bypass that park. If they don’t I’ll just have to have a chat with them.

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