Friday, July 2, 2010

Sasha Reports from Forks, Washington

Forks, Washington

OMG this I am so totally freaked -- I’m in Forks, Washington, ya know – totally unreal. . Here we are in Forks, Washington and like Larry, Marsha and Max don’t have a clue where we are, as if. They are so totally out of it it’s unreal. Duh! I can't believe I had to explain this to them. Oh, whatever. Anyway I did talk Larry into reading the book and now he is hooked.

Forks is like really cool, home of Bella and Edward, the Swans and the Cullens. I got them to drive me around and see the sights and take some pictures – here they are:

Forks, Washington -- Awesome

They even have Bella's pickup truck

This is the Swan residence - cool right?

The outfitters where Bella worked

The Thrifway where she shopped

And Wow, Even Edwards house

And they have Bella's Dad's car

A place Bella visits often and where Dr Cullen works

Dr Cullen even has a reserved parking place at the hospital

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